A Little Lesson From Barak: Do It Afraid!

 God’s Hall of Faith Hebrews 11 is a concise summary of major events in the history of Israel.  It’s often called “God’s Hall of Faith,” and reads like a Who’s Who of biblical heroes–  Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses, to name a few.  Most of the names will be familiar to anyone who … Read more

Summer: The Season of Refreshing

  Hot Fun In The Summer Sun What comes to mind when you think of summer?  For some it’s beaches and pools, barbecues and games, family and friends.  For others it’s heat and humidity, sunburn and sweat, mosquitoes and extra expenses.  Perspective matters, doesn’t it? Personally I’m not a big fan of summer.  In fact, … Read more

The Rest of the Story

 Remember Paul Harvey? Years ago there was a famous newscaster named Paul Harvey who often reported on little-known stories from history.  He always closed his radio shows with, “And now you know…the rest of the story.” In previous blog posts I’ve shared my testimony about coming to Christ at the age of 18 in the … Read more

Spring: The Season of New Beginnings

God of the Seasons The tagline on my logo is “Blessings, Breakthroughs, Beginnings.”  Our God is the creator of seasons, and He is definitely a fan of new beginnings.   Genesis 8:22 says, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”  It is … Read more

Whatever Happened To The Jesus Revolution?

Let The Son Shine I’m sure you’ve heard of the new film released last month called Jesus Revolution.  It tells the true story of the Jesus People Movement, a youth-centered revival which started on the West Coast in the Sixties and rapidly spread across the country.  Hundreds of thousands of kids who had been caught … Read more

Why Is It So Hard To Change?

There isn’t a person alive who hasn’t had that thought.  We all have areas in our lives that we would like to see changed. I recently read an interesting book called Change Masters:  How to Actually Make the Changes You Already Know You Need to Make by Barry J. Moltz.  It’s a book targeted for … Read more

Getting Into God’s Word

My Introduction To The Bible The night I gave my heart to Christ, the woman who had led me in prayer gave me a New Testament.  She wrote the date on the inside cover, saying, “This is your rebirthday!  You’ll want to remember it.”  Then she handed the book to me and said, “The Bible … Read more

New Year’s Resolutions: Yes or No?

“New Year, New You?” New Year’s Day has come and gone.  But my inbox is still overflowing with emails urging me to set resolutions so I can improve my life and manifest prosperity and grow to my maximum and yadda yadda yadda.  If you haven’t detected from my tone yet, these emails don’t generate a … Read more

“Peace On Earth”…Really?

Joy To The World? I sighed as I turned off the news broadcast.  More gloom and doom.  Same as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that, and… Here we are, only a few weeks till Christmas.  I’ve been reading the Christmas story in my Bible, beginning with Matthew 1 and 2.  Now … Read more

Created With Potential

What God Can Do When I came to Christ as a troubled teen, I had a very negative view of life in general and myself in particular.  Years of verbal and emotional abuse and rejection had left me with a loser mentality.  I was beaten down.  My self image and self esteem were so low … Read more