You Are Accepted!

  Who I Am In Christ Series, part 3 The “Who I Am In Christ’ list developed by Dr. Neil Anderson was a game-changer for me.  It helped me to deal with the core issues that were holding me back in life, preventing me from living the life of abundance and victory that God intended … Read more

Acceptance: A Core Emotional Need

Who I Am In Christ Series, part 2 Neil T. Anderson’s classic books Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker were both published in 1990.  That’s when he developed his “Who I Am In Christ” list. That was 34 years ago, and yet there is still an appallingly high percentage of Christians who still … Read more

The Issue of Identity

  Who I Am In Christ Series, part 1 So many people these days are going through an identity crisis.  They simply don’t know who they are. Sadly, many of those people are Christians.  They may go to church regularly, read their Bibles, pray.  They’re doing all the things.    If you were to ask them, … Read more

A Thorn In My Flesh

“Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.  Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.  But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in … Read more

Righteous? Who, Me?

  Righteous?  Yeah, right. What goes through your mind when you hear the word “righteous”?  Do you think of someone ‘better than the rest of us’, like Mother Theresa or Billy Graham?  Do you think of a standard that is unattainable in this life? Do you think of yourself? I’m guessing that last one’s not … Read more

Looking In A Cracked Mirror

  Happy Rebirthday! My rebirthday is coming up in a few weeks.  Yes, you read that right.  For those of you who have never heard of the term, a rebirthday is the day you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.  On that day you are born again– hence, rebirthday. Another way of saying it is … Read more

What You Need To Believe About God and You

Do You Know Your Identity In Christ? Good things do come in small packages.  Jesus taught using stories called parables, and some of them are quite short– but incredibly potent.  An example is the parable of the wise and foolish builders.  It’s only four verses, but it’s packed with a powerful truth: “Therefore everyone who … Read more

The Beggar’s Cloak and You

On the Road to Jericho Have you ever heard “It’s all in the details”?  The quote comes from creative genius Walt Disney, and it’s a good thing to keep in mind as you read the Bible.  You may be reading a passage and notice something and think, “I wonder why he mentioned that?”  Doing some … Read more