Are You A Victim Of Identity Theft?







  You May Not Even Realize It

You see it in the news regularly.  It’s a worldwide problem, and the more technology develops, the faster it grows.   The list of victims grows longer and longer with each passing year.  The problem of identity theft is widespread.  And yet, it’s not a new problem.  It’s really as old as creation…and each of us is a victim.

New York Times bestselling author Tamara Lowe explains:  “Approximately 15 million Americans have their identities used fraudulently each year with financial losses totaling upwards of 50 billion dollars.  But there is a far more costly crime running rampant:  spiritual identity theft.  Satan is trying to keep you from seeing, finding and fulfilling your life’s purpose and destiny in God.”


Yes, that’s right.  Satan seeks to steal your identity.


  Why?  According to pastor Joseph Prince, “Your victory is directly related to how conscious you are of your righteous identity in Christ.  When God’s people are not established in their righteous identity in Christ, they become susceptible to the weapons of the enemy.”



Satan’s tactic of spiritual identity theft is very effective.  I know, because it happened to me.

  And it may be happening to you.




It Happened To Me 

I came to Christ when I was 18 years old.  I was bullied throughout my childhood and adolescence, and suffered verbal and emotional abuse.  I was severely depressed and suicidal, confused about who and what I was.  When a kind “Jesus freak” shared that my life could change with Jesus, I jumped at the chance.  I prayed with her and became a born-again Christian.

My eternal destination was forever determined that night.  But I still had an enemy, and he wasn’t done with me yet.


As I attended meetings and Bible studies, my scriptural knowledge slowly grew.  But my relationship with God was frequently overshadowed with uncertainty.  My pastor did not believe “once saved, always saved.”  His sermons frequently warned about backsliding, and this left me with a fear that I would lose my salvation.  It was like something fragile that I held with trembling hands, terrified that I would fall and it would shatter. 

In spite of this, God was working and slowly I saw my life changing.  The horrifying nightmares that had plagued me for years stopped the night I gave my heart to Christ, and gradually the depression lessened.  But my past continued to haunt me, and I struggled with problems resulting from the rejection and abuse I had suffered.  I kept all this to myself, fearing further rejection if I revealed my pain and confusion to others.

This went on for several years.  I would be tempted and then experience deep shame and condemnation.  I could quote John 3:16 word for word, but I was blind to the verse that followed:  “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:17).  I thought that these feelings of condemnation and shame were coming from God, and that fueled the fear that I would “be judged and found wanting.”

As he had with Jesus in the desert after His baptism, Satan even used scripture to confuse me.  I would read Romans 8:1, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,” and fear would grip my heart.  I was feeling condemnation for the thoughts and temptations I was having.  Did that mean I wasn’t in Christ Jesus?  This insecurity was a torment to me.

 Continuing On The Downward Path

To make matters worse, my pastor’s health began to deteriorate.  He had a debilitating disease, and as his health began to decline, so did the spiritual health of the church.  He began to exert more and more control over the congregation.  We became isolated from other churches, and insulated from other Christians.  We were taught that the ministry always came first, and I found myself trapped in a performance-based mindset.  I had always desired the pastor’s approval (this was tied in to the lack of approval I received from my father), and my pastor’s approval was dependent on the work I did for him. 

I began to believe the same was true of God.  If I did not perform to His satisfaction, perhaps I would lose His acceptance. 

You see, all this happened because I really didn’t know who I was in Christ.  The enemy had stolen my identity.


My struggles continued for years– decades, in fact.  My pastor died, and a few years later there was a very ugly church split, and I was fired from my job as a teacher at the Christian school the church operated.  Within a couple years both the ministry and the school were closed.  Unable to find release from my problems, I became severely depressed.  In desperation I finally sought medical help and professional counseling.

My journey with counseling lasted for thirteen years.  With the help of several wonderful therapists and pastors, I was able to work through the emotional roots that had kept me bound to my past abuse and its results.

 Discovering Freedom In Christ

In the midst of this counseling I discovered two books by Dr. Neil Anderson, Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker.  Then I had the wonderful privilege of hearing Dr. Anderson in person at a “Living Free In Christ” seminar.  Through these books and seminar, I finally began to see who I really was in Christ.  I realized that I was “adopted forever” as a child of God, and I was set free from the fear of losing my salvation.  Now I know that I am His for all eternity, and that He will never leave me or forsake me.  I no longer see myself as a sinner saved by grace, but as a saint, for that is what the New Testament calls all believers.

Dr. Anderson hit the nail on the head when he wrote, “It is evident to me that a staggering number of believers are still confused about their spiritual identity in Christ and its implications for their daily lives.  We are struggling with the behavior aspect of our growth because we are still struggling with the belief aspect of our growth: who we are in Christ.”

I’m passionate about sharing this because I see so many Christians continue to be plagued by their past, struggling with bondage and sin.  Most of the issues that caused me incredible anxiety and anguish were diminished or disappeared completely when I discovered who I really was in Christ.  I will be honest and admit that a couple problems still remain.  I was diagnosed with chronic clinical depression and continue to take medication which keeps it under control most of the time.  Another problem remains unresolved, but I am able to deal with it much better now that my identity in Christ is firmly established.  I am still a work in progress, but I believe the promise of Philippians 1:6, “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Have you also been a victim of spiritual identity theft?   Understanding the truth about your heavenly Father and your right relationship with Him is the first step to restoration of your identity.  True freedom comes when you are firmly rooted in Christ and you “separate your who from your do,” to quote Joyce Meyer.

If you need help in recovering your identity, you can start with a free printable from Freedom in Christ Ministries called “Who I Am In Christ.”  You can find it here:  I recommend reading these aloud every day for the next month, and allow these truths to replace the lies of the enemy.  As your mind is renewed by the truths of scripture, you will begin to experience freedom, as I did.  Then you can truly begin living the transformed life!


If you have found this helpful, please feel free to share it on social media.  Leave a comment– I would love to hear from you!



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